Company Profile

  • Startup


Advances in technology and healthcare mean we will live longer but not necessarily healthier. We will need care and support in different forms along the way. The caregiving ecosystem is fragmented & siloed, reliant on informal family caregivers (53 million) without adequately integrating them in care delivery systems. The sector has further been underserved leading to a poor aging experience. Loneliness, isolation of aging adults fear & anxiety for family caring from a distance and the two-way guilt is leading to deterioration in health and is costing the healthcare system more money.

Businesses serving this segment are looking for solutions to ease the burden of care for staff. Several technology solutions have emerged, for communication, for recruitment, for managing homecare, for companionship and more. Some are designed specifically for older adults, some are for the business of care, others are mainstream applications that are used due to a void. The tech sector is mirroring the fragmentation of the ecosystem by focusing on solving one problem at a time making it difficult and sometimes overwhelming to manage so many applications & data. Creating technology siloes.

Thriving ai is focused on bringing the people, the business, and the data together in one place so that we can deliver a holistic, rich & engaging experience to Thrivers (Aging Adults) and their caregivers informal & formal. Our platform is designed with the input of all the stakeholders in the community using data to drive engagement, communication, and decision-making.

Our solution provides a unique value proposition of bringing healthcare & social care together around a Thriver & Family. It allows for intergenerational community engagement, reciprocal caring & sharing, access to well curated resources & critically important Ai and machine learning technology to help support enriched engagement & key data points on which informed decision making can take place.

Founders Bio

Shain Khoja is a global change maker & a serial entrepreneur with a healthcare & technology background. She is now tackling aging & caregiving through helps those involved in caregiving by providing integrated monitoring, coordination, & communication for a seamless and inclusive experience that is efficient, saves time & reduces stress. Thriving.AI’s team is on a mission to improve caregiving by using data to drive better decision making.