
Tracy Chadwell's Top 3 Tips for Fundraising

By Ariel Cadby-Spicer posted 01-20-2022 01:00 PM

Tracy Chadwell of 1843 Capital

Tracy Chadwell is the founder of 1843 Capital, an early stage venture capital firm that invests in technology and consumer product companies.

1843 Capital just launched its new fund, ‘Fund II’, with the intention of focusing on Silvertech solutions in particular, including early stage longevity and technology products that support aging. Fund II has a target of $75M and a hard cap of $100M.

While Tracy has focused on investing in AgeTech solutions, she is also passionate about supporting female founders.

In her TEDx Talk, Tracy notes the persistent gender divide in funding for female founded companies and offers the ‘Skill Set of the Ask,’ identifying her top 3 tips for raising funds.


3 Knows / Nos to a Yes:

  • “Know” your audience
    • Do your research to understand potential investors and what they are looking for. Often, founders launch into a pitch without asking any questions first. To set yourself up for success, make an effort to understand what an investor is looking for, then tailor your messaging accordingly.
  • “Know” yourself
    • While children have mastered the art of persistence, often their asks come across as demands because they do not offer anything in return. Young people tend to run into the same issue when they are asking for funding - they are not able to articulate what they bring to the table. Knowing the value you bring, and how it is differentiated, is critical to making a compelling case for yourself and your company.
  • “No” does not mean no forever
    • Sometimes getting to a ‘yes’ requires persistence and often just means no, at that time, for exactly what you are asking. If you really want something and have received a ‘no’ in the past, you might need to get creative, make some changes, and go back.

Watch her TEDx Talk to hear from Tracy herself and comment your thoughts below!


