This week on the AgeTech Collaborative™ blog, we are pleased to welcome a guest post by Christina Daves—PR Strategist, best-selling author, and founder of PR for Anyone®, an ATC business service participant helping AgeTech startups gain the visibility they need to succeed. In this post,...
This week on the AgeTech Collaborative™ blog, we are pleased to welcome a guest post by Martina Viduka, CEO and co-founder of Advosense , an ATC startup participant focusing on intelligent solutions for older adult care, starting with an incontinence care solution with patented sensing...
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This week on the blog Lynnaea Haggard, marketing manager for ATC Business Service participant Sundberg-Ferar , wraps up a three-part series on how startups can leverage the power of human-centered design to maximize go-to-market success. Human-centered design principles have long...
An AgeTech Collaborative™ (ATC) business service participant, Su ndberg-Ferar is a multidisciplinary team of creative people that helps startups and large enterprises focus on the de sign and development of un iquely diff erentia ted AgeTec h -related products...
This week, we feature a guest post coauthored by Sergio Pareja ( Senior Manager, Innovation Practice and Metaverse Continuum Business Group ) , and Sean Burke ( Principal Director, Nonprofit Practice ), both of Accenture , an enterprise participa nt in the ...
This week on the AgeTech Collaborative™ (ATC) blog, we welcome a guest post by the University of Pittsburgh Healthy Home Laboratory (HHL). The HHL team writes to introduce the ATC community to the Healthy Home Laboratory , a new ATC...
AgeTech Collaborative™ startup participant ianacare is on a mission to encourage, empower and equip family caregivers with tools and communities, so no one has to do it alone. Jessica Nam Kim, CEO and co-founder of ianacare, knows from personal experience how difficult caregiving can be....
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